This video came from an idea I had of a car going into a garage. As it always happens, things got more complicated.
Half of this video was reshot because in the first shoot I didn't have a proper background and trying to paint in a background for every frame was taking forever and did not look good. You can see part of the remains of that when the car goes by the house. I would have reshot that, but it was months after the original shoot and the house was demolished by that time.
Looking at this now, I know I have to figure out how to make Lego people walk more smoothly. I also now know I should wait a few days before I declare a project final, as I can see some frame rate/ pause issues when I have fresh eyes.
This was a huge music project for me. I had to do a lot of splicing, use multiple tracks, and make sure everything was timed correctly. Obviously, none of the music is mine, but I hope that others will agree that it fits in nicely with the video.